15 Of Our Favourite Moments With Brides Wearing Gold Veils
The shade of Gold, the yellow-orange colour blend, is something that speaks of magnificence and brilliance. What if a bride chose to wear it on her for her big day? Well, undoubtedly she is about to ooze out of magnificence and ultimate brilliance. The colour gold goes so well with almost all kinds of shades and as simple as it sounds, it is not always easy to pull off an all-golder. And, if you still have, there you have it all, you’re already a queen. Here are few of our favourite brides who have pulled off a glam-all outfit by sporting the golden veil. Check it out and fall in love as much as we did.
Pic Courtesy - RVR Pro
Pic Courtesy - Aswin Suresh Photography
Pic Courtesy - Aashish Photography
Pic Courtesy - Krishnan
Pic Courtesy - Aashish Photography
Pic Courtesy - KLIK Pictures
Pic Courtesy - Harsha Reddy Photography
Pic Courtesy - Lucky Malhotra
Pic Courtesy - Minchu studios
Pic Courtesy - KLIK Pictures
Pic Courtesy - Krishnan
Pic Courtesy - Ashwin Kireet