21 Haldi Ceremony Shots That We Loved
Haldis have always been a redefined sort of merriment, excitement and delight. Happy haldis always involve frolic-y and fun-filled relatives joining hands in swaying their bodies for dances and rituals wishing the best for the couple-to-be along with truckloads of colour, life, gaiety and high-spirits. With excitement, delight, ecstasy and bliss, the album consists of shots from Shopzters’ most fun-filled haldi moments that are effortless and are so innocent from the heart. We wish you the best of luck in choosing one as your favourite!
Pic Courtesy -Vipin photography
Pic Courtesy - Vipin photography
Pic Courtesy - Ifotos
Pic Courtesy - Focuzstudios
Pic Courtesy - Mystic studios
Pic Courtesy - Harishankar Photography
Pic Courtesy - RVR Pro
Pic Courtesy - RVR Pro
Pic Courtesy - Krishnan
Pic Courtesy - RVR Pro
Pic Courtesy - RVR Pro
Pic Courtesy - Ashwin Kireet
Pic Courtesy - Krishnan
Pic Courtesy - Krishnan
Pic Courtesy - Ashwin Kireet
Pic Courtesy - Krishnan
Pic Courtesy - RVR Pro
Pic Courtesy - RVR Pro
Pic Courtesy - RVR Pro