Things To Pack For Your Honeymoon
It's the vacation of your dreams. You've been waiting for this forever and you figured planning it would be as easy as pie. It's your honeymoon! Oh, if only someone told you how much brain work goes into packing and planning away. Website catalogues more often confuse and clarify, and really with so many ideas that friends and family pours into your head'it's quite normal to feel a little stressed and even terribly lost. It's understandable, and seeing as its your special trip we've curated a little list of things you could close your eyes and throw in your trunk. These will ensure you have safer trip and could save you last minute bustling.
Documents Tickets, travel/reservation docs, passport, licence, photo IDs and other required financial documents would be a good place to start. Being your travel requisites, it's safer to have copies of the same. Of late, lots of couples have been taking along calling cards and ATM cards especially during long vacations and we think it's a good idea.
Toiletries If you're heading to a beach resort, take a high SPF sunblock. If you're going on a cold high altitude place or a snowy city carry moisturiser, cold cream. Hot packs are a good idea too. They take up only a corner in your trunk but save you from a lot of sick blues. Don't forget the lotions, perfumes, personal hygiene items, make-up, shaving kits, and shower set because you'll be needing these on a daily basis.
First aid kit Analgesics and band aids may be the top of the list, but aren't the only things you might need. Many couples who haven't travelled together before often find that their spouse is seasick/vertigo and find themselves quite unprepared. Pack in a meds and don't think twice about that that can of pain spray and inhaler, carry it along.
Money! Although carrying your credit card helps, don't be shy to stuff your wallet with some notes. Carrying some change always saves you from embarrassing digging around when you travel to little towns or while you're both on a hike. Because there's only so much plastic money can buy. Gadgets If the most forgotten list was ever curated, phone and device chargers would top the list along with spare batteries. You don't want to be that person do you? Also, don't pass on a good camera in fears of having to lug in an extra bag. A good camera like a DSLR, handycam or a Polaroid is a honeymoon-must have! You never know when the urge to click away might seize you'so better be prepared. A picture is worth a million funny and interesting honeymoon stories, and as the old and new legends state, Everything is better in high-def.
Dress comfortably Stick to warm wool for winter and cotton dresses and shirts for summers and you won't go wrong. Pack in spare inners, lingerie and swimsuits if you're heading to someplace with beaches, pools or theme parks. Pack in a maximum of 1 or 2 fancy dresses/sarees and a dinner suit. Perfect for a candle-lit dinner. If you had hats, colourful scarves and funky shirts that you've always wanted to wear but didn't quite know when and where, this is when you should bring them out that closet! Carry limited accessories in a plush bag or box to avoid breakage and having them strewn about your box. Cutting on cluttering saves half the stress.
The 3 S's for footwear: Smart, Sensible & Stylish Most of us regret wearing a pair of difficult slippers or shoes late into our vacation when the first bite singes our feet and its too late. Although wanting to look good is a top priority, most horrors of limping away the hours in pain is one episode we could all save ourselves from. Pack in your most comfortable loafers, shoes and sandals, ones you can walk, jump and explore in. But don't forget to pack in that one pretty pair for possible dinners outside and parties.
Survival items For the wild adventurous planners who'd like to trail the Everest, chasing adventures in South African woods or simply camp out in a forest reserve in UP, you should carry these - Swiss knife set, umbrellas, tissue rolls, maps, compass, earplugs, sewing kit, water bottles, insect repellent. But don't forget the mother of all survival discoveries - Ziplock bags. Miscellaneous Although the thought of a nearing honeymoon gives you flutters, don't forget to think of anything that could potentially stop you from having a good time. Contact lens (+solution), a travel dictionary, sunglasses, travel pillow to not have neck cramps, iPod + earphones and most importantly, an elaborate guide book are about all that you need to make sure you make the most of your trip. Because travelling planned is travelling smart. Besides, who needs interruptions when they're having the time of their lives?