10 Fun Stuff To Do While Trying To Get To Know Your ‘To-Be’!
It is pretty much awkward smiles, swallowed up words, a lot of thinking at the start of an arranged marriage. But stories do start off like this, works on a bit time spent with each other, things are learnt, memories made and end up being one of the greatest love of all times . Here are a few things you can do as a couple. We're pretty sure those that had a happy love marriage took time to work on their relationship in a much similar way. It all in the end comes down to prioritizing the person and spending time with them. But here are some fun ways to start of your beautiful story with!
1. A Coffee Date: Great conversations start of over a cup of coffee. Well Cafe Coffee Day decided to steal a fact for a tag line. But it is true!! Your busiest days seem to calm down on a relaxed Coffee Date. You also have something to talk about. Rave about your busy day, find out how the other persons day turned out. You'll even get to know how he/she likes their coffee or if they're not exactly coffee kind of person. Is that good enough information to start off with getting to know each other more? And extra brownie points on lesser usage or no use of phones at all. Throw them away! :P
Photo Courtesy : Vipin Photography
2. A Long Drive: A drive along East Coast Road for example, is one thing that can help you both with spending some time together. You will be able to get out of the way some awkward silences too, just by dealing with it. It would help you start off things other than the usual life, like your dream destination or your favourite hobby. Well, if all this fails, turn up that stereo in your car, you'll for sure get to know a thing or two about what sort of music you both love! Courtesy : Mystic Studios
3. Go Karting: It might not be similar to some major sport adventure, but a Go-Karting trip out, is sure heighten your sense of being a team and starting out on small adventures while still having fun! Guys generally love driving or riding, as much as you want to sit in a quiet corner and talk, ladies, once in a while give this a shot. They'll love you more when you try and do the things they like, with them. Guys, we have more coming up on the list, we'll give this one to you!
4. Meeting Friends: This is one of the most important stages. The guy meets the girls noisy friends and the girl gets to know all the historical stories of the Groom from his friends! This gives you a lot of perspective on each other's lives. It is sure a good start as the friends start accepting you as one of their own.
Photo Courtesy Mystic Studios
5. Take up a Dance Lesson Together: If you're lucky enough to be in the same city, take up a dance lesson together. Get working on those moves and who knows, might come in handy if you can just share a special dance together at the wedding. One of the most awe-able thing a couple can do.
Photo Courtesy : Siraj Khan Photography
6. Some Quality Pet Time: If you're an animal lover, particularly dogs or cats, visiting an animal shelter could be the best way to start planning your small family. A pet adoption for starters? Nothing beats that level of adorable. Even otherwise, a day at an animal shelter is something worth more than anything. An animal lover would know.
7. Plan and Shop For Customized Return Gifts: If you're planning to have a small gathering of friends coming together to celebrate before or after the wedding, then you can use some time just the two of you, to come up with Return Gifts/ Party Favors as a token of Thank You. This is definitely a gesture that is from just the two of you straight to the hearts of your closest circle of friends. Oh! Shopping scenes would be fun and there will be no surprises later!
Photo Courtesy : The Wedding Runner
8. Wedding Planning (Of course!): Mostly this will fill in enough gaps where you're lost in silence! Other than that, we have had Brides mention that their conversation started at all because of the Wedding Planning that they were supposed to start working on, like designing Invites, food tasting, planning Wedding Outfits and the rest of the long list. But you don't need excuses to begin with conversations. There is definitely going to be a point in your life, with your person, when you wouldn't feel you've talked enough even after narrating the entire life time of story they.ve missed out on in your life. A Wedding Planning talk would of course help you get to know each other.s likes and dislikes.
Photo Courtesy : Studio A
9. Pre-Wedding Shoot: This could be the best excuse to make a quick short trip to some great locations near your towns or cities. While it might be hard to get comfortable with each other while a huge lens is pointed at you, it doesn.t take much time! If you.re lucky, your photographer half the time hides away from where he can get good shots of the both of you!
Photo Courtesy :Studio A
10. THE Dinner: Yes, it could've been an arranged marriage. But its upto you to create precious memories out of it from here on. No better way than a romantic dinner with your To-Be. Plan ahead and reserve a roof-top candlelight dinner or hushed away corner in a garden, it could be your night, just about the two of you.
Photo Courtesy : Aju Photography