Photography of the month - February'15
An experienced photographer, traveller and a nature enthusiast! Meet Mr. Santosh of Fotozone! His pictures are honest and simple, mixed with intimacy, elegance and energy. Happy to feature Fotozone as the photography of the month! I came to Chennai from Tiruchi to do CA in the Vivekananda College in the year 95-96. We were the first batch of students for foundation course for CA. I lived in a bachelor's mansion and it so happened that my room mate and other friends were connected to the film industry.
For me the words shooting, light, action etc were completely new and my interest was further aroused with these people around. Basically I like to travel a lot and don't want to sit in a place and do a job. I didn't prefer cinema because at that point of time films took lot of time to complete and also photographers had to work under a director.
So, I wanted to freelancing in photography but found that there were no institutes to train photographers. Hence I worked for 3 years under Mr.Murali Baskar who was a famous Industrial Photographer. I Had to quit the CA foundation course and I don't feel sorry for the decision I took.
From1999 onwards, I started taking small assignments especially stock images that were very popular during that period. I slowly started doing portfolios and weddings. In 2001, I started the studio Fotozone.
During those days, it was a prestige issue for people returning from US to take a family portrait form Olan Mills. Realising the need to make quality portraits, on par with Olan Mills we began working hard and thus emerged the family photographs which are popular even today.
Candid photography started gaining popularity only after 2010 and we have got a lot of experience in capturing the memorable moments of our clients. We are a team of 15 and besides wedding We also take photographs of Bharatha Natiyam dancers and baby portraits.
Recently the calendar we released with photographs of models wearing recycled materials and products has been much talked about and we have received appreciation from all quarters for the awareness we have created in recycling the used products. Also, we donate our waste papers to an NGO called Paperman who help in the education of children.
Address:No.31, Spurtank Road, Chetpet, Chennai, Tamil Nadu - 600 031 Contact Number: 91 9840425050 Email:fotozone31@gmail.com Website:www.fotozoneindia.com