Creating an Online Wedding Invitation that WOWs!
In the social media age, wedding invitations are no longer colorful stationery that conveys just the essential event information. It has evolved to be more graphic, colorful, informative and suited for the digital world. Wedding Invitations these days take the center stage by conveying the story and personality of the couple in addition to the mandatory event information.
To WOW your guests, you need a creative invitation. And being creative, may need some help!
“Custom” everything has become a buzz word in the wedding planning scene. Custom comes with the designer tag, exclusivity, creativity and most importantly, a BIG price tag. “Why not stick with the traditional wedding invitations and call it good?” We hear you cry! Talking with several new age brides have reinforced that wedding invitation sets the first impression to your wedding – Bright, bold, subtle, beautiful, simple or magnificent. It sets the stage for it all. And that is why it is important to design the perfect invitation to announce your wedding to the world.
Kards is here to give a helping hand to anyone who wants to get a unique invitation for their wedding. But what you may be didn’t know is we also let you design the invite yourself, and without the scary price tag. We understand your style and help you craft the perfect invitation with a smile on your face.
So are you ready to start designing your dream invitation with Kards?
Browse through colorful invitation design templates. Kards has invitations under several categories – Traditional, Storytelling, Quirky or Vintage – choose your match!
Select an invitation and customize it your needs. Try changing background color, replacing design and changing font style.
What’s the next step?
Almost there! We know your wedding invitation needs careful proof reading and feedback before you send it off to your guests. Email your wedding invitation to your friends, family and yourself! Double check if you have it all right, before you finalize. Download your invitation and start inviting your friends and family to your wedding.
We keep seeing couples uncertain about what to include along with the invitation. Don’t worry, we read your mind. We have curated a list of personal messages that will make your guests feel special. The wordings are fun, unique and follows the perfect social media etiquette. Copy/Paste the messages and keep inviting your guests through facebook, whatsapp or email – however you choose to spread the joy.