Top 10 Make-Up Essentials
A woman has a lot of things in her handbag, practically half her house. But that doesn't always include the make-up essentials that could save your life. These 10 things are all you need to survive your everyday make-up emergencies.
Kajal A stable product for most people who can't be caught dead without it. So always keep one in your kit in case you watch a really emotional movie and need to reapply.
Mascara The most underrated product is the Mascara, it is literally a magic wand. It opens your eyes up instantly and makes your face look fresher.
BB cream Now you might be the kind who looks up to a foundation for your everyday needs. But a BB cream provides a thinner layer of the same coverage and is much lighter for everyday use. Also, if you have oily skin then add a face powder to this list.
Concealer A stick concealer will work better if you apply make-up in a hurry or in the car on the way to work. It is handy and requires little effort. However, concealer must be used on the basis of your needs, if your skin doesn't need it or if you are comfortable will flaunting your natural skin, then feel free to skip this.
Blush / Bronze duo You never know what's waiting for you on the other side of the day. Carry the Blush and Bronze duo to your essentials so you're always prepared to add a bit of colour to your face.
Lipstick Everybody has that one tried and tested, staple lipstick that goes with absolutely anything you wear. So make sure this lipstick, which is usually pink or red, is ALWAYS in your make-up kit.
Tinted Chap Stick Sometimes your lips are too unruly or chapped to have lipstick on. And a tinted Chap Stick will save your day, not only is it good for your lips but it will also add substantial amount of colour without making you look decked up.
Lip Gloss This item is for your clubbing or any other dressy emergency. It brings the gram-factor up a few notches immediately and makes it look like you actually made an effort.
Hand Cream/ Lotion For those cold dry days or for those sweaty days when your skin feels icky. A hand cream is something you will never regret carrying around. If you want to go for something that covers more parts of your body, including your drying elbows, then switch to a small bottle of body lotion instead.
Sanitiser Yes, this isn't a part of make-up but your skin can get easily damaged and infected if your hands aren't clean when you're applying make-up. So keep a standby sanitiser with you at all times.