To Experience This Kinda Love Is A Bliss!
Like they say " Sometimes you meet a person and you just click - you're comfortable with them like you've known them your whole life and you don't have to pretend to be anyone and Anything!! Pixel Army got to shoot one such couple and they got to share the experience with us!
Its rare that we get to see and visit all those places that we've been,we've met our soul mates ,where we've shared lots and lots of beautiful memories for lifetime. and like we know that all love stories start at those places. For this couple who had a beautiful story,we wanted to recreate the journey of these beautiful Mr & Mrs from where the story has all started !! All we heard from them is "From the moment we started talking,we knew that we wanted each other to be together always !! " And the Thadhaasthu goddesses have heard them..
P.S-We must say that it was challenging to take up this kind of project as there wasn't really any great scope for beautiful locations ,huge sets and the diva kind of scenes as we only had to pick up the locations where the couple shared their memories. In the limited source it was a very nice experience and also equally challenging to bring out the connection .. Thanks to the couple who equally joined their hands for this ..
Here is a glimpse of few of those many times!! Adithi & Rajesh