5 Types Of Friends Who Attend Your Wedding
Friends are marvellous creatures. They mean the world to us. Friends will drop everything and come running during times of trouble. They will jump sky-high for us when good things happen. Friends are for life. They are part of who we are and when it comes to important rites of passage such as weddings, friends are jewels we cannot go without.
And here’s a list of friends we all have who makes a wedding rich with happiness.
1. Your BFF— Well, of course! You can’t possibly imagine your wedding without your bestie holding your hand and walking you through the biggest day of your life. Your bestie who is like family, who will be lurking within the frame of every portrait in the wedding, who will keep you calm, make you laugh, and be your rock. She will be there, ready with tissues, thambulum bag, or whatever else you might need.

2. The Late-Comer—the one who is extremely busy and graces your occasion with his/her presence after a hard day at work, enters the venue almost after everyone has come and gone, pops in for five minutes and rushes back to catch some shut-eye. Or it could be your fashionably late friend who likes to make an entrance and keep everyone expecting, who looks dashing and so, hard to be mad at for long.

3. Life of the Party—that one friend who can make you dissolve into cheek-hurting stomach-cramping laughter, who drags you onto the dance floor, who will come up with fun photo options for your album and without whom a party is not a real party at all. You better make sure this one shows up, because whatever surplus nerves you’ve got hiding will dissipate and you will find yourself relaxing and enjoying your big day.

4. The Long-Distance Friend- the friend(s) who flies in especially for the occasion and stays for all the ceremonies and comes bearing wonderful gifts to make up for the distance life has put between the two of you. This one’s a keeper. Because not only had (s)he has crossed oceans and time zones for you, but also wouldn’t do it for just anyone.

5. Chaddi-Buddy—that one friend you used to crawl around the house in your diapers with, that one friend with whom you counted stars, had embarrassing conversations with, that one friend with whom you survived puberty, that one friend whom you hardly see now, but very much in your heart and will always be one of your besties, have come to embarrass you to the moon and back.