Women's Day Celebration at NAC Jewellers
Recently, we had women's day celebrations at NAC Jewellers, T.Nagar on March 14, Saturday. We had an amazing group of enthusiastic ladies, with whom I had loads of fun! Just like the last time, I was eagerly looking forward for the day to begin! We had 2 interesting things that day: 1. Know Your Jewel A small presentation about jewels, how to maintain the jewels and some unknown facts.
2. Contest Time We had a very interesting contest where in we split people into teams. They were given a time limit of 45 minutes and also the liberty to choose any jewels from the store! The best dressed lady and her team would win a gold coin each! After the ramp walk, the winners were announced! Kiruthika and her team mate Gowthami won the contest :) The event ended with a smile on everyone's face. If you are sad that you missed out on this, don't worry, may be you didn't hear me saying that we are gonna conduct such contests every month! Stay Tuned for more updates!