Significance of Marriage!
Janani Rajyasri I was 18 when I met Sharadh by chance. Marriage was not even on my mind and surely was not on his, either ;) But, we met, we exchanged longgggg mails and bonded over Raja paatu and Vairamuthu kavidhais. As time progressed and many major decisions had to be made, I realized that Sharu was highly supportive and understanding. It's easy to say that a guy needs to have such qualities but SO hard to find one. He believes in my dreams, Big or Small. He shares my craziness and at the same time encourages me to soar up high. As these qualities started cropping up, I fell even more for him :) I would like to say that according to me, the real significance of marriage is to grow old together, laugh a lot and have someone with whom you can be yourself. Someone who will push you to reach for the stars and even go beyond. I have found my Special Someone and not in my wildest dreams am I letting go of him. With Sharadh, I look forward to everything in Life with a smile.
Elakiya Duraibalan Men and women were not made or did not evolve as separate entities. They are equally complimenting organisms in this world. A woman can practically live alone without a man and a man can do the same without a woman but, what's the purpose or should we ask what was achieved at the end of it ? There's absolutely no use of having something without utilizing the full purpose of it. Marriage is the amalgamation of two people to explore the unknowns in life that can be explored only if you have someone that you'd die for. It's that promise you make to each other that resonates through your life time that you'll be remembering subconsciously. There are no conditions or specifications of how a marriage should be, it depends on the sole discretion of the 2 people to decide how they want it to be. I see marriage as a gateway of seeing life from a perspective that you'd love.
Niveditha According to me marriage is the most miraculous bond that can happen between two people. Mother's father's and love from our family is natural. To me, when people meet, fall in love and vouch to live together, it is mind blowing how two unconnected souls suddenly become one in the magic of love! This has to be celebrated and that is marriage to me and that makes it significant!
Siva Iswarya Ramamirtham Two people cannot marry just for a single reason! A joyful wedding day and a whole life ahead involves companionship, intimacy, cheerfulness, and 'FRIENDSHIP'. I really don't believe that it's for social or financial security as one gets these even without getting married now a days!! I believe these are secrets behind a happy wedding, and that one gains from a wedding without affecting each other's space! Which many fail to realize!- As mine is a very special case of love- arranged marriage I believe "It's a happily ever after fairy tale climax's beginning!!" :)
Shruti According 2 me Marriage is a wonderful phase , which moulds people to all the shortcomings they face throughout life...... It brings maturity in relationships....... It's a blend of cultures and families.....With my personal experience...... Mine is a love marriage, I could see through this how much my Dad has given up 4 me..... This marriage has made me realise my father's unconditional love for me, and how special I have been to my family. Marriage refines a person as a parent too it has not only made us realise the importance of respecting our parent's views and understand all the pain they have taken so long in the process of parenting but also made them understand our's too...... My Dad's marriage changed him as a very eminent and responsible father and husband, but my marriage has made him a wonderful human being........ I am preparing myself for such a transition to embark in my life with my Santhosh. ...... I have been waiting for 5 year's to live a life with this guy....Getting married to him with my parent's blessings is a Dream come true ...... This 2014 is born for me to bring these two wonderful men together to my life in the name of marriage and I am grateful to God for it.......
Shatchya Rajkumar Partner as a Friend -When you have a friend with you, you behave absolutely crazy. At the same time, that friend might have seen you being serious at places. That friend knows your weakness and your strengths without you explaining to him/her. And the reason you are able to accept that person is because you have the commitment and acceptance towards that relationship and you value it. Where there is friendship, relationships rarely fails because you come to know what/how the other person thinks and reacts. Sometimes you need a friend for a lifetime and someone whom you go in search of during your sad and happy moments. Marriage is an arrangement made by the society to move us from the hectic life style and place our life in order giving us a few responsibilities and making one complete his/her life. But actual sense is made when you accept the other person as a friend and treat him/her the same and begin a lifetime commitment. In my opinion, marriage is a pure commitment between two people who have accepted each other completely.
Ramya Bala Marriage is about committed couples who make a lifelong promise to take care of and be responsible for each other. Marriage isn't about rights. It's about love, commitment, and responsibility. It's about the things we give, not the things we get. It's about our responsibility to the ones we love and the promise and commitment we make to take care of each other.It is also a way to bring the families of two individuals closer.In our case, it is two souls, two families, two religions, getting closer :)
Suganya Raman Marriage is considered as a legal union of two people! I totally accept that and of course it's more than that. I feel it is a transformation or a transcendental state where both grow together physically and mentally and more importantly spiritually. When i hear of the word marriage,i feel like it is a gift that i m gifting myself! My heart always yearns for that gift as of a place which gives me most comfort and more of being myself. A state of relaxation, a state of happiness, a state of great learning and an ultimate state of meditation! When i know that i m giving a promise to My Man, that i will be with him throughout, it's a conscious decision which should be taken through the heart, in terms of comfort state of mind and not the materialistic things alone! Babies like to be happy always. They can react soon if anything makes them uncomfortable. When we hold a baby from his mother and if the baby is not at ease with us, he wants to get back to his mother and so he starts to cry. But on the other way, if the baby is too comfortable with us, he will just be happy and keeps smiling, enjoying, playing and doesn't mind to urinate too. If the mind is at ease, so is the body !! He doesn't have to control and develop pressure on his body n thereby health too . In short, he is just being himself with us, in every way. I feel that, even we can be with a baby's mentality and select our partner and definitely we are gonna be at ease. We are moving out of a comfort zone(our family) and finding a new comfort horizon and expanding our scope by the discovery of various inherent potential inside us. I can't forget the rituals that happen during a wedding which is more significant spiritually and scientifically. From the nethi chuti, surya, chandra on head to the metti worn on the toe finger. of course its is very important to get the biological body ready, along with the hearty decision made regarding the marriage. I can definitely see the interdependence between the things. Its like saying 'Get prepared mentally and physically' which starts with the individual first!! When my mental decision is right for me, my physical body is just gonna be fine always. Its not a selfish decision. When i m happy i can spread happiness to my partner too. mutually we will complete each other in the journey of finding our happiness and end up being happy together. Isn't happiness the best gift that we can give to the one we love and i think being happy with them is jus Love given and taken!! I believe marriage is a ritual to unite, but being married , that is being in comfort and happiness , is a state of mind.
Vidyalakshmi Nair According to me, the significance of marriage is manifold. It formalizes the pledge that two soul mates take to give eternal love and undivided attention. It is also a bond that helps pass down culture and tradition to the future generations. Last but not the least, marriage is a divine ceremony to formalize your love in front of the Almighty and share joys and sorrows with your family thereafter.