Glimpses of some fun moments from 2019!
Weddings are fun for both the bride and groom. Of Course, it comes with a lot of stress but if you know how to balance it right, it will be the best time of your life. It’s a big party that includes friends and family and will be remembered by everyone. All of us aim at getting these beautiful memories captured in the best way. Afterall who wouldn’t want to revisit your these days over and over again. Here are a few moments from 2019’s weddings that will be cherished throughout the year.
Stop it boys, she is mine now!
And it was yellow!
Who do you think won the game?
Nothing can beat a brother sister bond.
That’s our future right there. Can you see it?
What’s a celebration without a pinch of craziness
Gotta dance it off!
Best friend before husband!
One with the main boys!
That one friend who cracks jokes during serious moments.
Seal it with a kiss!