9 Of Shopzters' Brides With Their Best Bridal Advice!
Stress, water, fruits, exercises, tension, relax, planning! Well, these words have been uttered by almost all the brides, when we ask them to advice the brides-to-be. They did give the to-be-brides some amazing things to note and take care of from their own experiences! Here are a few...
- Delegate: I did the biggest mistake of trying to run the whole show all by myself and that only gave me stress, stress and more stress.
- Skincare: Do not waste money on bridal facials. Book a good makeup artist and however bad your skin is, you will glow. Tip from Ibrahim: Drink a lot of carrot juice!
- Stress: How much ever you try not to, you will be stressed. That's okay, it might help you to shed some kilos
- Won't advise you not to get tensed because you will anyways. I did!! Try having a person whom you know will oversee everything. It was my sister in my case.
- You can't do everything in your wedding. Delegate a lot things to people, so your tension will reduce.
- Be relaxed and finish your all your shopping and stitching at least a month before the wedding day. The last one month, just spend loads of lovely moments with your folks at home!
- Pay attention to your wedding photographer and your make-up. Trust me it's worth every bit.
- Do not follow trends and pick the same saree/jewellery. You don't want to look just like another actress or a friend. Don't be afraid to create your own trend.
- Go shopping with an open mind.
- Do not let your attire or jewellery over power or over shadow your personality. Don't forget they are meant to just complement you. YOU and YOUR PARTNER are the stars of the day.
- Don't over complicate anything. Simplicity and Subtlety is the key.
- Follow wedding blogs, bridal fashion weeks religiously for all the outfits, jewelry, make-up that are in trend now. But remember to tone down the jazz and understand what really suits your style and the occasions for your wedding.
- Daydream: plan out every little thing you've ever wanted for your wedding, well in advance. Also have alternatives in mind, to save you from upsetting yourself over a little color mismatched bangle.
- Keep it cool! The wedding tension is overrated with how easy we have it these days with planners, friends and parents always ready to help you out, don't let all the last minute running get to you.
- Regular full body massages and facials from a month before the wedding helps adding the extra glow!!!
- Up to 3 days before the wedding, get about 8-10 hours of sleep if you can!
- Organization in very important, make sure you sort out and neatly pack all your outfits, innerwear, shoes/slippers and accessories occasion-by-occasion you might be already tensed and nervous, and the last thing you want to be searching for is the missing bindi to match your sari!
- Don't try out anything new completely on your wedding day (unless you have had trials). It might not turn out to be what you had expected! Unless it is tried and tested NEVER!
- Experiment with anything close to your big day be it food, makeup or even clothes!
To all the girls who are getting married, do not stress out too much. Just relax and feelthe excitement, spend loads of time prepping. Drink lots of water and make sure you take in amla every day to get that glow on your face. Stay fit by incorporating yoga for 3 days a week and cardio for the rest of the days. Apply badam and milk paste on your face once a week.
My mantra for clear skin is CTM (Cleansing, toning, moisturizing). I started doing this everyday morning after bath and night before bed and it gave me great results. Make sure to buy good quality products for this.
Sandhya Raghav
- Don't be stressed, yes it's the BIG day; so handle it with a smile and enjoy every moment.
- Plan the wedding shopping well in advance so that you will get more ideas on bridal
- collections.
- Be unique and try what you like and which suits you best. It's not necessary to always follow
- trends or any celebrities.
- Make over should make you look beautiful so don't try styles which doesn't suits you or over-do make up. If you have leisure time kindly do trial make up to avoid last min mess up.
- The best thing that worked for my skin was a homemade paste made by mom that I used to apply once or twice a day. It had egg white, pudina, badam, lime, and curd and gram flour all ground together. I had enough physical activity in the form of wedding prep work keeping my weight in check.
- Ignore excessive wedding advice. It's your fairy tale phase. Do whatever it takes to make your wedding dreams come true even if it involves a little extra effort and running around.
- Don't ask everyone's opinion. Choose two people (I chose my mom and sister) and trust their judgment if they second your opinion.
- Hair trials are important. Make sure you plan your hairstyles and accessories well in advance.
- Even if everything is planned to perfection, there will be things here and there that might not go well on the D day. Take those things with a smile as nothing can spoil your day and memories thereafter.
See what we meant in the beginning! LOL! It is all definitely there when you are planning your wedding!
A little tip from our side, when you're counting your days as a bachelorette spend it wisely with your family and friends!