And They Laughed Their Way Into Love!
Some of us are really lucky to have weddings that last more than just a day! Srilekhya and Nishanth made sure theirs lasted a week... well almost! Five days make up an entire working week, doesn't it? And wasn't it fun? You decide!
Let's give you a sneak peek into their summery wedding in May when the sun was at its peak and so was the madness! We loved the colours on the bride. Don't you, too? The shot, the lighting, the attire, the unique blend of tradition and trendy, the way colours clash beautifully while accentuating the festive feeling, the intricate detailing, the decor everything feels as perfect as it feels fun! And did the pictures shot by Journeys of Euphoria make us crave for more Telugu spice? You bet! But since the pictures kept coming, we are not complaining. In fact, we feel happily satiated like the feeling one gets after a hearty feast! Now, that's how weddings are supposed to make you feel, aren't they?
You could also check out his another album here.