Fly High! With Levitation Photography!

This is indeed a stunner! The concept of Wedding photography has been changing over the years but this one takes the cake! For those couples, who have this incredible desire to bring about innovation in your photo shoot, this is for you! How was the experience? Here's what Studio A has to say!

Love is in the air they say, and we decided to give a try and see. When Sakthi & Sruthi wanted us to try out something new for their post wedding shoot, we thought Why not Levitation?. They were excited at the first instance and so it began, our attempt to defy gravity. We decided to fuse the rituals and emotions and came up with a concept. This was the first time that we tried levitation, and naturally the pre-planning took a lot of toil indeed. Thanks to Ganesh Toasty and team for helping us with the planning and logistics. We planned the location, roped in the props, and were on time when the day came.

But the real test began when we started shooting. How many times ever we practice it in our mind and on the paper, it is entirely a different ball game on the field. For levitation, it has to be fantasy filled but also close to life. Every little detail mattered. It took hours and hours of construction in every shot, and we must say the lovely couple couldn't have cooperated more. And when we were finally done, it started all over again when we sat to post process it. After many passionate days with endless hours, the patience paid well in the end when we came up with a handful of memories crafted. Check out the blog and let us know what you think.

Shot in Sony A7 RII, 16-35/24-70/90 mm lenses

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