A Pre-Wedding Shoot On Moving Waters in God's Own Country!
"Breathtaking landscapes, endless greens, moving waters, constant breeze, occasional drizzles and two loving souls' - What more can a photographer ask for? A pre-wedding photo-shoot can't get better than this. Set on the serene locations of Kerela, Vamsi and Havishya made us doubt more than twice on their marriage being an arranged one. Such was the ease and chemistry they shared. The amount of time, mind and space they offered us was amazing. The phase before the marriage is a real special feeling. We wanted to bring out all the drama, vibes, dance, emotions and more that goes around in the mind of the loved ones, with their big day round the corner. We planned to do it with three concepts.
FROZEN TIME ON MOVING WATERS - the boat series reflecting the beauty of contradictions and coincidences
TWO SOULS, ONE UMBRELLA - the umbrella series reflecting the chemistry they share
THE DANCE AND DRAMA OF LOVE the kathakali series refelcting the vibes of their dreams"
Take a look at these signature shots by Studio A. We are sure that you will love them as much as we did.