It’s A ‘Falalalala First Christmas’ For These New Brides- Real Brides! Real Talks!
We're excited more than probably even the new brides when it's something as emotional and close to heart like a 'First Christmas' with their Spouse or a Thala Diwali! We were so lucky to get to in touch with these lovely brides this morning. Hilarious stories and sly giggles when asked about 'Gift for Him' were priceless and made us laugh! You need to hear this!
Jeny and Dipin got married in July. This happy-go-jolly couple is spending their First Christmas with Dipin's parents in Muscat. Jeny is happy to finally be able to spend her first 'non-single lady' Christmas with Dipin. About the Christmas Cake, Jeny says, He baked a yummy Cheesecake for my Birthday, so I'll just leave the Christmas Cake baking also to him and after 3 seconds goes, Don't tell him I said that though. :P
Neeta was all giggles and excitement at the mention of 'First Christmas'. Though she and her husband are apart for the Christmas, they had so much fun doing the Christmas Shopping earlier. They will be together for New Year. Neeta loves the fact that celebrations will be better than ever for her this year, as they spend time together and with some of their fun-loving friends and families. She has planned an absolutely shushed surprise Christmas Gift for him, and that's all we're allowed to say about it. Shhh.. Don't tell him! :P
Sheryl and Sanjay got married in September and are with Sheryl's parents for their First Christmas! Sheryl wanted to find Turtle Doves as a special First Christmas tree ornament and she is still on a hunt for those. Sanjay's idea was to go with Two Reindeers instead. Clever! The couple are not big on gifts so they've planned a Christmas and New Year's Getaway to spend some quality time with each other. They're off to Sri Lanka in a couple of days! They just got back from meeting friends and some partying so Christmas Eve is going to be a bit of the classic, Hot-Chocolate next to the fireplace scene!
Lovely talks with these New Brides have put Shopzters on a Festive-Buzz! We just put on our Christmas Caps, wait, Thinking Caps to be exact, as we gear up for an exciting New Year's News! We've got so much coming your way in 2016. Watch our space! Now go ahead and have yourself a Merry Little Christmas!