Are you a Potter maniac ?? You have got to take a look at this!!!!
Potters, Weasleys, Granger, Dumbledore, Hogwarts, Witchcraft, Wizardry, 9 3/4 , Gryffindor, Slytherin, HufflePuff, Ravenclaw, Potions, Divinations, Dark Arts, Spells!! Puzzled!! How are these connected to weddings Yes it happens! A Harry Potter wedding!! Hurray Potterheads!! Most of us had been obsessed with Harry Potter during our childhood!!! To add on, many of us grew with Harry Potter!! All of us who like Harry Potter always had a fascination to visit Hogwarts Just imagine your wedding in the Potter World Cassie and Lewis Byrom are the Harry Potter geeks.. The pair had recently married at Manchester Town Hall in an incredible Potter-themed wedding, after Lewis proposed at Universal's Wizarding World of Harry Potter last year. The Avada Kedavara Curse of the Couple ;-) Hopefully the man always acts to the words of his wife..
The couple standing at the Ministry of Magic
The wedding ring..with Potter inscriptions
Bouquets made from pages of the Harry Potter books
Mr.Olivander's wand not just creates magic, not just spells, not just curses.. The wand now creates a lovely wedding bond!!!!
Look at this!! Gryffindor and Slytherin unite.. Customized Stilettos of the bride
Wow magical accessories of Groom..Puzzled!! Symbol of their love or symbol of their love for Harry Potter? The wedding feast looks like it is happening at the great dining hall of Hogwarts
And here unites the two hearts.. Yes their love story beautifully written by God not by J.K. Rowling ;-)