70 Of Our Most Favourite Lehengas We Spotted On Real Brides In 2017 - Part 2
Lehengas have always been a glorious sight to look at. When the bride twirls in style, not just the groom but almost everyone at the scenario would fall head over heels in love with it. 2017 has been a year where every bride chose to flaunt at least one of her events in the trendy yet so chic lehengas to die for. We at Shopzters are awed at brides who complimented the look in lehengas with such poise and grace. Prime colours, off-beats, shimmery, matte, glittery, you name it, these brides have owned it all. Here we are with a set of pictures that might as well serve as pointers for all your big days to come! For part 1, click here.
Pic courtesy - @mystic-studios#
Pic courtesy - @deepak-vijay#
Pic courtesy - @golden-shutter#
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Pic courtesy - @ashwin-the-clicker#
Pic courtesy - @kishore-krishnamoorthy#
Pic courtesy - @vivek-krishnan#
Pic courtesy - @siraj-khan-photography#
Pic courtesy - @ashwin-kireet-photography#
Pic courtesy - @the-memory-writers#
Pic courtesy - @the-memory-writers#
Pic courtesy - The con artists
Pic courtesy - @aashish-photography#
Pic courtesy - @dot-dn-studios#
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Pic courtesy - @minchu#
Pic courtesy - @suman-chakri-photography#
Pic courtesy - @rohan-mishra-photography#
Pic courtesy - @shikha-balakrishnan#
Pic courtesy - @minchu#
Pic courtesy - @eden-studios-jebin-dravyam#
Pic courtesy - Light Bucket Productions
Pic courtesy - Shots by Vasudev
Pic courtesy - @sriram-raghu#
Pic courtesy - @vipin#
Pic courtesy - @studio-a#
Pic courtesy - Halcon photography
Pic courtesy - @vivek-krishnan#
Pic courtesy - NM click
Pic courtesy - @jeevan-wedding-arts#
Pic courtesy - @roma-ganesh-photography#
Pic courtesy - @dattu-khandavilli#
Pic courtesy - @sharon-shyam-photography#