An Awe-Inspiring Woman Achiever - Jaya Mahesh
You have everything in you and that's why the whole world is celebrationg you!!
Women's day is fast approaching and we at Shopzters dedicate this month to the women in the wedding industry who with their fortiude have fought agaist all odds and won a place for themselves.
Jaya Mahesh! The founder of Jaya Mahesh Body Sculpting Therapy
She is 48 years young! A breezy talk with this beautiful woman (she is more beautiful inside) about her hardships, achievements and her message to the young generation stimulats you to give your hundred percent in whatever you do! She inspires to be fit and healthy!
'Being born between two beautiful sisters, I was always considered the black sheep of the family because I was very tom-boyish. My father groomed me like a boy totally and I was totally reckless and was giving my mother a real tough time, I remember. But what has gone into me is, while the other two sisters were called beautiful, there was an urge inside me to prove to myself, not to anybody else or to the world. That is when a beauty pagent called Mrs. Coimbatore happened. I just dropped in to participate and finally got crowned Mrs. Coimbatore. But deep down, I had the desire to walk the red carpet. It did happen eventually because I kept my dreams alive and they have now come true and I am now Mrs. India 2016 and will be representing India in the International forum. We all say age is just a number but it is important that you live every day of your life with some meaning and keep your life stress free. Then you are justified when you say age is just a number because you are young at heart and kept yourself very active. You need to do wonderful things that give your soul a happiness which ultimately reflects on your face and body.'
'When it comes to Jaya Mahesh sculpting therapy, everyone knows that I gained weight from 58 to 118 kgs., after child birth. I had almost lost my eye sight. My delivery was very complicated and my immunity level was down and I suffered for 2 years totally. One day I got the revelation that I did have the support of husband, father and mother but if I cannot help myself, nobody is going to do it for me. Yes, I do have the family support but they cannot become me. They can only be the guiding factor. If I am not going to help myself to get on my feet, then nobody can. I understood that I was not doing justice to what God had given me. Not everyone gets to live with proper hands and legs. It was a one day revelation and that was when JayaMahesh body sculpting therapy was born. I made myself a guinea pig and I self taught and did a lot of research. But now it has been 22 years and I won several awards . The latest is being the face of Coimbatore and this was possible because of sheer hard work and determination. Keeping myself alive and kicking, I never give up. I have faced a lot of challenges in life and the going has not been easy. But is is all about the strength and I take the eagle as an example. When it rains, all the animals look for shelter but the eagle is the only bird that soars high above the rainy cloud and then evades the rain. It is all about your attitude and how you take life and take it forward.'
'My message to the youngsters is to keep yourself healthy and happy, full of determination, love yourself because if you do not love yourself, there is no point in finding fault with others. It is all about learning from your experience and keep moving ahead and always be on the track. It is okay if you are slow but steady. But keep moving forward! It’s all about believing in yourself!!'