5 Ways To Use Social Media For Your Wedding!
Social media has become an important part of our lives and as you get close to being married you realise that a lot of your daily routine revolves around your Instagram, twitter, Facebook and snapchat accounts. So why not turn these into positive and fruitful platforms to help you and your guests interact through the wedding preparations and ceremonies? We bring you 5 easy ways to use social media for your wedding:
The Invites
You can post your invite or messenger it to your friends, though WhatsApp is a better option for this, your business associates and such might prefer Facebook for such interactions. Get a separate invite designed for your social media, or even shoot a video that has you and your partner probably including clips of your pre-wedding photoshoot with a personalised message.
Create an event of your wedding and invite your friends and family on Facebook. Not only is this a great way to RSVP, Facebook does the job for you and keeps a track of everybody who will and will not make it for your wedding day. The added feature of a check-in on your wedding day is a bonus.
Sharing Pictures
Use social media to share pictures of your wedding day with everybody who attended. It is almost impossible to personally mail these pictures to your guests, and more often than ever they do want to see the pictures that were taken. So it’s easier to just upload the group pictures on Facebook or Instagram from where they can take it themselves.
Start a hashtag for your wedding day well in advance, put up sneaky pictures of the shopping and planning, behind the scenes make-up snaps and short videos just to spike some interest in the guests who are attending. They can then post their pictures while getting ready for your wedding, the selfies and such taken at the venue, this also helps in finding pictures taken by other people throughout the ceremonies.
This is a fairly new concept and may require a bit of work, but livestreaming your wedding and other functions is a great idea if you have a lot of family abroad who can't attend the wedding, or you are having a destination wedding where most of your guests couldn’t make it. This way they catch all the action live and find a way to be a part of your special day.